Sunday, November 22, 2015

Ch. 15 - Marketing Communications

iPad Pro and Apple Pencil (Apple)
It is clear that when a company releases a new product, they want to immediately put it out in the world. Therefore, these companies create a numerous of ads to attract the consumer's eyes. These ads are the first way of communication between the marketers and the potential buyers, and such ads also demonstrate features that certain consumers might benefit from.

Since Apple Inc. is constantly releasing new products, the executives first introduce them at their Special Events. At these events is when the consumers first learn about the benefits of the up-coming products. Then, at a specific date, Apple will begin to display its innovative products at their retail stores. At the stores, the message about the latest products spread out since the Specialists present them to every single customer that comes in looking for that particular device. This is also a way to make everyone aware of whatever is new on those new devices. For example, when the latest iPad Pro and iPhone 6S were announced, Apple released ads that promoted these products. Apple's website was also updated, so that the consumer could explore the various options of the products. Once the products were available at the retail stores, the company kept presenting the newest iPad and iPhone to the rest of viewers. Meaning, Apple kept emphasizing the theme for the new iPhone, "The only thing that's changed is everything." At this point, it can be said that media has become an ally to Apple since it is one the message channels the company utilizes to promote every product that exists in the Apple world. This way of communication will more or less help Apple get more owners since consumers will have already explored their options. Of course, this does not prevent consumers from visiting an Apple Store and interact with the products before making their final decision.

iPhone 6S (Apple)


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